all postcodes in G5 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G5 9DE 60 0 55.847588 -4.259973
G5 9DS 1 1 55.850838 -4.25278
G5 9DW 7 7 55.85123 -4.252963
G5 9EJ 2 2 55.852584 -4.256318
G5 9EL 1 1 55.852475 -4.258611
G5 9EP 16 16 55.853072 -4.255434
G5 9EQ 28 4 55.852782 -4.258247
G5 9ER 4 2 55.853532 -4.254616
G5 9HR 18 2 55.853901 -4.258758
G5 9HU 20 5 55.85311 -4.258969
G5 9JB 29 10 55.853553 -4.258356
G5 9JE 21 2 55.853553 -4.25813
G5 9JF 12 3 55.852789 -4.257848
G5 9JG 65 0 55.853674 -4.25745
G5 9JH 8 0 55.853669 -4.256699
G5 9JJ 1 1 55.852716 -4.256965
G5 9JL 2 2 55.853052 -4.256298
G5 9JP 4 4 55.854065 -4.257411
G5 9LA 10 0 55.846552 -4.260104
G5 9LQ 1 1 55.852152 -4.256853